July 2024
Pott's Disease: More than Just a Med School Test Question
Dr. Ashley McLenithan
An elderly female with hx of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, CHF, hypothyroidism, diabetes, solitary kidney on right side. She had been seen at a pain clinic over the last couple of years; she has been receiving injections in her spine and her bursa, in addition to tramadol 100mg and Percocet 5mg TID. Over the last 3 days the patient has had increase in proximal anterior hip and quad flexor pain as well as a suprapubic pain. She has had difficulties ambulating to the bathroom so she now is wearing a depends. She is incontinent of urine and stool. She denies saddle paresthesia or weakness to her lower extremities, but notes that pain is 10/10 with movement. She has not had an epidural or greater trochanteric bursa injection for over a month. She denies fever, chills, shortness of breath, chest pain, abdominal pain other than suprapubic pain, dysuria, hematuria. She denies IV substance use or surgeries to her spine.
MRI of the spine showed the above findings and patient underwent surgery with biopsy.
Was discharged to sub acute rehab.....
Cultures return with Disseminated Tuberculosis
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Transmission: aerosolization and inhalation
Can affect lungs, renal cortex, meninges, epiphyses of long bones, vertebrae
Detection: sputum smear (AFB) and culture (1 week) or NAAT (1 day)
3 smears to determine positive or negative used in conjunction with NAAT testing