Research Division
We are conduct evidence based research on a variety of topics
Our division includes emergency medicine physicians at Albany Medical Center interested in evidence based medicine research. We have a multiple grants and work closely with our medical students, residents, and fellows on a variety of projects. Several of our most recent projects focus on pain management and opioid use disorder.
We are always excite to train the next generation of physicians in the Albany Medical Center Emergency Medicine Residency Program and at Albany Medical College in evidence based medicine!

Andrew Chang, MD MS FACEP
Professor of Emergency Medicine
Vincent P. Verdile, M.D., ’84 Endowed Chair for Emergency Medicine
Vice Chair, Research and Academic Affairs

Michael Waxman, MD MPH FACEP
Professor, Emergency Medicine
Division of Research

Alexander Bracey, MD FACEP
Associate Professor, Emergency Medicine
Program Director, Resuscitation and Emergency Critical Care Fellowship
Division of Emergency Critical Care