Welcome to Albany Medical Center Emergency Medicine!
We offer a visiting Emergency Medicine Clerkship along with subspecialty rotations in Resuscitation & Emergency Critical Care and Medical Toxicology
EM Clerkship
A dynamic four-week course allows the student to work one-on-one with Emergency Medicine attendings and senior residents to serve as an acting intern.
Students work approximately 16 eight-hour shifts.
You will be an integral member of the Emergency Medicine team caring for various patients- including trauma, medical, and pediatric cases.
Primarily assigned to shifts in the Adult Emergency Department (both medical and trauma zones).
One Pediatric Emergency Department shift, with exposure to pediatric medical and trauma cases.
One Emergency Medicine Critical Care shift, instructed by Critical Care/Resuscitation-trained Emergency Physicians. This shift will focus on managing critically ill patients and complex emergency procedures.
One teaching shift, resident run with small group discussion.
Other components
Weekly Residency Conference
Simulation Day with manikins and standardized patients
Optional to participate in an Ultrasound FAST workshop as taught by Ultrasound faculty
Optional procedural skills lab

Resuscitation & Emergency Critical Care
As part of this unique course, you will gain exposure to the longitudinal management of critically ill patients beyond their initial resuscitation and disposition
Understand the critical actions necessary for a successful resuscitation
Advanced EM Resuscitation Components
Develop an understanding of the management of the critically ill patient in the first 24 hours after resuscitation
Develop a foundation for understanding ventilator management
Create an awareness of advanced airway techniques beyond rapid sequence intubation
Develop an awareness of how to incorporate evidence-based medicine into caring for the critically ill
Other Components
Participate in Weekly Fellow Conference
Medical Toxicology
In this course, the student will learn to recognize and manage common toxidromes associated with drug overdose and drug withdrawal
Manage the Poisoned Patient
Clinical Components
Weekly call with fellowship-trained faculty
Participate in an Addiction Medicine Clinic shift
Weekly small group discussions
Demonstrate an understanding of principles, methods, and controversies of gastric decontamination and enhanced elimination.
Demonstrate knowledge of presenting signs and symptoms, laboratory findings, pathophysiology and management of common poisonings including acetaminophen, salicylates, beta blockers/calcium channel blockers, carbon monoxide, iron, lithium, digitalis, cyclic antidepressants, toxic alcohols and common drugs of abuse.
Demonstrate knowledge of drug interactions, side effects, and therapeutic levels of commonly used therapeutic agents.